Monash Uni/Assignments

호주모나시 과제 1 - Academic Integrity

Lulunanna 2023. 3. 13. 14:39

내일은 첫번째 Assesment를 보는 날이다.

1011 Professional Practice 첫 과제이고

15MCQ, 30min, 15% out of 100%, open book.

주제는 Academic Integrity

주로 citing, referencing or bibliography 를 물어보겠지

만점받을 수 있게 잘 준비하자

30분으로 시간이 짧은 만큼 헷갈리는 문제가 많지 않게







bibliography: 직접 언급은 안되었으나 페이퍼작성에 영향을 준것들을 모두 작성

Reference lists: 직접적으로 언급된 것들에 대해서 목록을 작성


Q2. why is it important to acknowledge sources?

So that readers can locate the sources I used for their own use.


Q3. it is needed to both (in-text citations and reference list


Q4. Author. (Year). Chapter title. In A. Editor. Title of book (# ed., pp. #-#). Publisher. DOI/URL






Q5. You need to write a citation and reference for a book. Where should you look for the publication information you need?

The front and back of the title page.


Q6. The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) does not required.


Q7. When is it appropriate to use a secondary reference?

Where possible you should use the original source, unless there is a good reason why you cannot. For example, if the original source is in another language and no translation is available





this reference includes a volume and issue number, but not a publisher, this is a reference to a journal article





Why citing and referencing are essential?


Validate your research

Help readers locate your sources

Situate your work in the discipline

Avoid plagiarism


One of the reasons it is important to acknowledge

sources in academic writing is to provide support for your own claims(주장 뒷받침)

(1) In citation (author, date)

(2) reference lists


자 이런유형의 문제가 나온다


                                                                                   결과는 추후에 . . .

짠! 결과를 갖고 왔다 11.05/15 ! 평균이 약 10이라고 하니까 평균만큼 받았다.

연습문제를 더 많이 풀어봤어야 하는데 초큼 아쉽다. 

아무튼 첫 과제 나름 선방 !! 15% 과제 끝 !!


다음과제로 다시 돌아올게 




